
How To Get Bigger Batches On Instacart

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Did you know that Instacart shoppers can shop for more than one order at the same time? It's called a double batch, and not all shoppers are excited to see them on their list of available orders.

Some shoppers say they bring nothing but trouble, but others are happy to accept a double, triple, or even up to quintuple(!) batch. Here's how double batches work for shoppers and customers, and how shoppers can make an educated decision when a double batch shows up in your offers.

What Are Double Batches on Instacart?

A double batch is two full service orders from the same store combined into one task. An Instacart shopper shops for both orders at the same time, then delivers the orders to each customer separately. Triple batches are also common, and quadruple (4) or even quintuple (5) batches are possible.

How Are Shoppers Paid for Multiple Batches?

Like many gig apps, Instacart uses an algorithmic pay formula that doesn't explain exactly how payments are determined. Instacart says payout is factored by, "number of items, type of items, driving distance, and effort involved in shopping and delivering."

For double batches, shoppers don't necessarily receive double the payment of two individual orders. So if two single batches each paid $8 from Instacart, the double batch would not necessarily be $16. Some Shoppers complain that Instacart collects double service fees from customers, but doesn't double shopper pay.

The total paypout for a double batches is displayed up front on the list of available batches, similar to single batches. Total pay + total in-app tips are displayed. Any heavy order pay is also included. The app does not show the pay breakdown for each individual order, so you can't tell if both orders tipped similarly, or if one left a large tip and the other left a small one.

Two images from the Instacart app showing a high paying and low paying double batch

The highs and lows of double batches

Benefits of Double and Triple Batches: Efficiency, Potential Higher Pay

A double batch can be a very lucrative and efficient trip if both orders tip well, don't have too many items, and if the total mileage required isn't too high. Double batches allow you to knock out two orders in one trip instead of shopping & delivering one order only to return to the same store to shop & deliver another order. That could means fewer miles for the same, or potentially more, pay.

Drawbacks of Multiple Batches: Complications, Bad Ratings

Double batches can be two bad options rolled into one. Image credit jayrady on Reddit

Double batches come with more room for error and a higher chance of bad ratings. With more orders comes more chances to make a mistake or run into difficulties, and more issues means a higher chance of bad ratings. And on Instacart, bad ratings can be a job killer. Even dropping below a 5-star average can put you lower in the order priority list, so every bad rating really hurts.

  • Is the Instacart Rating System Fair? How it Really Works

All of the difficulties of an order are multiplied on a double batch: Communicating about replacements, dealing with heavy items and frozen items, managing the expectations of your customer, and packing up your car. All of those challenges you already face on a single order really add up on a double batch.

Do you know the struggle of going back and forth with a customer about replacements? Imagine doing that with two customers at the same time! And when it comes time to bag it all up and deliver it, you have to be extra careful not to get the orders mixed up.

Another downside of double batches: A non-tipping order can be batched with a high-tipping order, which can feel unfair for both shoppers and customers.

At the end of a double batch, you might see that customer A tipped $25 while customer B tipped $0. It doesn't seem fair that a non-tipper got the same service as a high tipper, especially when many shoppers go out of their way to reject non-tipping orders.

Related Reading on Instacart & Gig Apps
  • How to Become an Instacart Shopper
  • Need More Batches on Instacart? Here are Tips
  • How Shoppers Can Avoid Bad Batches
  • How to Contact Instacart Support

Why customers can have a poor experience on double batches

There are a few issues with double batches that can make customers unhappy. Customers aren't notified when their order is part of a double batch, so they don't know that their order might take longer than normal.

Customers can see when their shopper arrives at the store and can see when the shopper scans their items. They might wonder why their order is taking so long, or why there are such large gaps between item scannings.

Let's say one customer orders a box of chocolates and a bundle of roses, and another orders 35 items for a family of 4. If those two orders are batched together, the person with the tiny order will wonder why their shopper is spending 40 minutes at the store for such a small task. That can lead to frustration and lower ratings, and it's not the customer's fault or the shopper's fault.

Another annoyance for customers is when their order is delivered after another customer. They might get frustrated or confused when they see their shopper leave the store only to pop up on the map at an unknown location. It's poor communication by Instacart, so shoppers have to pick up the slack and let the customers know what's going on.

Double and Triple Batch Strategies

With a higher chance for bad ratings and a pay system that doesn't always pay double for twice as much work, you might wonder why a shopper would ever accept a double batch. Some double batches can be worth your time, so here are a few tips to help you decide.

It's a good idea accept a double batches when:
  • Order payout is high
  • You're very familiar with the store and confident you can get it done quickly
  • You're organized enough to keep the orders separate
  • You're not bothered by communicating with two customers at once
  • Customer delivery locations aren't too far apart
It's better to reject a double batch when:
  • Order payout is low
  • You don't know the store, or know that it's difficult/chaotic
  • The orders have too many items and might not fit easily in your vehicle
  • The customer delivery locations are too far apart

How to Manage a Multiple Batches

If you decide to accept a double batch, here are a few tips that can help you efficiently complete the order and earn high ratings.

Consider letting your customer know their their order is in a double batch.You can say something like, "Hello, my name is ____ and I will be your Instacart shopper today! I'm shopping for more than one order right now, and yours will be delivered (first or second)."

Carefully separate the orders in your shopping cart. Place items from one order inside an insulated bag or handled basket, and place items from the other order in the cart. You can also separate the orders by cart level.

Don't do the double batch if you think it might lead to a bad rating.Your customer rating is everything. Just a few sub-4 star ratings can seriously affect your income. Skip double batches if you're not totally confident that you can get 5 stars on each one.

How Can Instacart Improve Multiple Batches for Shoppers and Customers?

For Shoppers, Instacart should increase pay for double batches. Many shoppers find the pay system for double batches unfair, especially considering the very real risk of low ratings. If Instacart sweetened the deal for Shoppers and offered higher pay and more flexible ratings for double batches, shoppers might not be so quick to decline them.

For customers, Instacart should let them know when their order is part of a double batch. If Instacart chooses to combine two batches, it should be their responsibility to let customers know what's happening, and to help manage the customer's expectations. Currently Instacart places the burden on shoppers, and it frequently results in both upset shoppers and customers.

How To Get Bigger Batches On Instacart


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